Why Is My Semi Truck Not Selling? 

You might assume that selling your semi truck is as easy as putting it on the internet and waiting for the buyers to turn up in their droves. Selling anything on the internet can be that easy, but it isn’t always.

If you’ve listed your commercial truck online and elsewhere, hoping for a quick sale, and it’s not selling, you might be making some of the following mistakes.

You’re Selling It to the General Public

Many sales platforms, such as Facebook Marketplace and your local shop noticeboard, attract everyday people. While you might find someone looking to purchase a big rig, such people are few and far between. There’s a chance you’ll have to wait a significantly long time for an interested buyer to come along. By that time, the ‘for sale’ notice might be hidden under several new ones.

Rather than selling to the general public, you might consider selling to a dedicated truck buyer like TruckVin. When we learn the details of your truck, we can research market prices and factor in your truck’s condition before offering a competitive cash price to take it off your hands.

You’re Not Advertising the Price

It’s not always easy knowing how much to sell your semi truck for, which might make you list a truck for sale by telling potential buyers to put their best offers forward. You might even ask them to contact you for a price.

Not all buyers know how much they want to pay, nor do they want to have to contact you before they even know if they’re truly interested just to find out how much you want. Advertise the price, and you might find yourself fielding more inquiries.

You Took Terrible Photos – Or Not Enough Of Them

A commercial truck can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and people don’t want to part with that amount of money if they can’t see the value in what you’re offering. Take photos as if you were the buyer.

Show any imperfections – because they’re going to see them in person anyway – and ensure all photos are clear. It also doesn’t hurt to clean your truck, so it looks worth the money you’re asking for.

Don’t be afraid to take dozens of photos to show off your big rig in all its glory. The more prospective purchasers see, the fewer questions they might have regarding its features.

You’re Asking for Too Much Money

We grow attached to our possessions and like to think they’re worth quite a lot of money. In reality, your truck might not be worth as much as you think it is.

Before setting a price, research what other commercial rigs of a similar make, model, age, mileage, and condition, are selling for. If you put an unreasonable price tag on your truck, you might not get the number of inquiries you expected.

You Haven’t Tied Up Loose Ends

People love a clean deal. If you have anything pending, such as maintenance checks, official documents, finance agreements, or similar, these can put buyers off. They might even see your commercial truck as a risky purchase.

As you’ll likely be waiting a significant amount of time to find a buyer for a truck with such loose ends, use the time to tidy them up. You might then enjoy far more interest.

You’re Not Answering Questions

Not answering questions is a frustrating problem for buyers of anything. If potential purchasers send queries and receive no answers, they might lose interest and purchase a semi truck from someone else.

Or, if you don’t provide the answers to the most frequently asked questions, such as the make, model, year, and mileage, in your initial product description, they might choose to buy a truck from another buyer who offers this information outright.  

Sell Your Semi Truck Easily to TruckVin

Your truck isn’t selling, and that’s frustrating. But this isn’t the end of your journey. Rather than trying to sell your truck yourself on the public market, why not sell it privately to TruckVin? Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote and receive cash in hand quicker than you thought possible.  

TruckVin is America’s Foremost Truck Buyer! As a trusted partner to thousands of fleets across the nation, you can rest assured we’re professionals when it comes time to divest your assets.

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